Left Without a Surface Coating, Concrete Floors Will Be Vulnerable to These Elements

Construction & Contractors Blog

Many flooring systems require a surface coating to protect them from exposure to harsh elements and the extremes of normal use (or abuse). Though concrete floors are considered to be one of the most long-lasting surfaces in the construction world, they also require a protective coating to prevent premature deterioration. 

Here's a look at some elements that usually cause concrete surfaces to deteriorate. 


Concrete is by nature a porous material. When concrete substrates are exposed to water, the water will certainly infiltrate through the material. Water seepage poses serious threats to the integrity of any concrete surface. It damages concrete floors first aesthetically and then structurally. By the time building owners or managers can notice any visible signs of deterioration on the surface of their concrete floors, permanent structural damage would have already occurred. By creating a waterproof barrier, concrete protective coatings can minimise damage caused by water infiltration through concrete floors.


Another major reason why concrete floors should be coated is to prevent moisture damage. Though moisture may rise up from the soil onto the surface, leaving concrete floors unprotected may allow humidity in the air to become absorbed into the concrete, resulting in a buildup of excess moisture. The moisture can lead to cracking and other forms of deterioration, which will only shorten the lifespan of concrete surfaces. Applying a protective coating onto concrete floors will help minimise moisture damage caused by high humidity levels in the air. 

Harsh Chemicals

Compared to other types of building materials, concrete has higher alkalinity levels. This makes concrete substrates susceptible to damage by acidic chemicals. This is particularly common in industrial buildings, where the risk of chemical spillage may be higher. To protect bare concrete floors from reacting with chemicals that may cause early deterioration, it is important to coat the surfaces with a suitable coating product. Naturally, the coating should be a chemical-resistant product that can create an effective buffer between the concrete and any chemicals that may accidentally spill on the floors.


The concrete flooring systems in most industrial and commercial buildings are normally subjected to higher levels of traffic, making it imperative to install a protective coating on the surfaces. Due to the movement of people, vehicles and heavy machinery, especially in industrial buildings, unprotected concrete floors may take quite a beating. A concrete protective coating will help reduce the rate of physical damage caused by abrasive elements such as foot traffic and vehicular traffic. This, in turn, helps prolong the lifespan of the concrete substrates.

Consult a local concrete contractor if you need any help choosing the right protective coating for your concrete floors.


18 July 2017

Home Construction Ideas that Bring the Outdoors Indoors

If you're thinking about bringing elements of the outdoors into your home but you don't know how to go about it, you've come to the right place. I'm Betty, and I've been in the unfortunately predicament of having severe hay fever and allergies for much of my life. I got sick of loading myself up with anti-histamines just to experience the outdoors everyday, so I decided to look into home additions that would bring that feeling inside where I was safe from pollen. I spent a long time researching solariums, pools, and other constructions, and now I have the home—and life—of my dreams. And now I'm sharing the tips and ideas I've learned with you!