Why It Pays to Know Some Technical Details About a Chain Link Fence


A chain link fence is a great choice for many homeowners, especially for those on a budget, as this type of fence is very affordable and can often be installed by the homeowner with a bit of help. However, not all chain link fencing is alike, and knowing some technical details about the material and design of these fences can ensure that you invest in the right one for your property. Note a few of those technical details here so you can shop for your new fence with confidence.


Chain link fences are typically galvanised, which refers to a coating of zinc being added to the material. Zinc is very durable and doesn't rust or corrode, but it's not strong enough to be used as a fencing material itself. Dipping or bathing fencing material in zinc will protect it from rust and other damage and also make it stronger against being cut with bolt cutters.

There are two ways that fencing material can be coated; galvanised after weaving, or GAW, refers to the material being woven and then run through the coating. Galvanised before weaving, or GBW, means that the metal is coated and then woven. GAW metal may show more clumps of zinc around the woven areas, whereas GBW fencing may have a neater appearance, although it's often more expensive.


Look closely at chain link fences and you'll notice that the wire of some fences simply bends over the top and continues into the mesh below, while some ends are cut and then twisted together. Wires that bend are called knuckled, and local building codes may require this fencing on your property, as it's safer for children or pets who may climb the fence.

Ends that twist are called barbed; those ends are very sharp and easily cut the skin. As it's dangerous to climb, this style of fencing provide maximum security; if your local building codes allow this style, choose barbed ends to deter trespassers.


Fittings are what attach a length of fence to a pole. These fittings should also be made of galvanised metal so they don't rust, and it's important that you choose the right fitting for each attachment. Fittings will vary according to the mesh size of the fence, and they need to fit securely to keep the fence in place, so invest in quality fittings made for your fence type in particular rather than thinking you can force them to fit and hold securely.


28 July 2017

Home Construction Ideas that Bring the Outdoors Indoors

If you're thinking about bringing elements of the outdoors into your home but you don't know how to go about it, you've come to the right place. I'm Betty, and I've been in the unfortunately predicament of having severe hay fever and allergies for much of my life. I got sick of loading myself up with anti-histamines just to experience the outdoors everyday, so I decided to look into home additions that would bring that feeling inside where I was safe from pollen. I spent a long time researching solariums, pools, and other constructions, and now I have the home—and life—of my dreams. And now I'm sharing the tips and ideas I've learned with you!