Understanding a Few Details About Residential Demolition

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you have a home that simply cannot be renovated enough to make it workable and liveable for you, or if you have purchased a plot of land that comes with a home you don't want to keep, residential demolition can be the right choice. Having a home torn down allows you to build a new one from the ground up, and it can also mean just tearing away enough of the home so that you can then renovate however you want, without having to work around an existing framework.

If you think residential demolition might be the right choice for you, note a few details of how this process works, so you know what to discuss with a demolition expert.

How long it takes

Rarely can a home be demolished in one day, as the amount of work that is needed to safely demolish a home and then clean up the debris usually takes several hours of work. Also, note that explosives are not typically used in residential demolition, as the vibrations and sound of these blasts can be very upsetting in a residential neighbourhood. Even if blasting is used for a residential home, cranes or bobcats still need to be used to properly clear away all debris and anything that did not actually collapse when the blasting was set off. For these reasons, don't expect that your residential demolition will be done in a few hours or even a day.

What permits are needed

Permits are typically needed for any type of demolition, including a residential demolition. Your demolition may even require specialized permits; for example, if the work may block access to certain walkways, or if the equipment will need to remain parked on your property overnight, you may need added permits. These permits can sometimes take weeks to obtain, so be sure you understand this potential delay when planning your demolition work.

What can be demolished

Don't assume that residential demolition only means tearing down a house; if you have any type of structure on your property that you want removed, you can have it demolished rather than trying to remove it yourself. This can include a silo, barn, retaining wall, old fence, or even a shed. Residential demolition can also mean digging up wells, in-ground swimming pools and other water features, septic tanks, buried rainwater tanks or any other structure. This can allow you to fill in those holes or pits with fresh soil and use that area on your property for any other purpose.


31 August 2017

Home Construction Ideas that Bring the Outdoors Indoors

If you're thinking about bringing elements of the outdoors into your home but you don't know how to go about it, you've come to the right place. I'm Betty, and I've been in the unfortunately predicament of having severe hay fever and allergies for much of my life. I got sick of loading myself up with anti-histamines just to experience the outdoors everyday, so I decided to look into home additions that would bring that feeling inside where I was safe from pollen. I spent a long time researching solariums, pools, and other constructions, and now I have the home—and life—of my dreams. And now I'm sharing the tips and ideas I've learned with you!